Guy Fawkes Night

Guy Fawkes Night, marking the failure of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, is celebrated throughout Britain. Fireworks paint the night sky, reminding us of the explosives of the plotters. Our classes leading up to the Night focused on the history of the event. Arts and crafts enrichments and colouring-in sheets made the learning experience engaging. We also gave our students a heads up about this noisy night, so that the loud bangs wouldn’t startle them!  

Guy Fawkes Night, marking the failure of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, is celebrated throughout Britain. Fireworks paint the night sky, reminding us of the explosives of the plotters. Our classes leading up to the Night focused on the history of the event. Arts and crafts enrichments and colouring-in sheets made the learning experience engaging. We also gave our students a heads up about this noisy night, so that the loud bangs wouldn’t startle them!  
